Monday, September 30, 2019

Examine The Sociological Views

There have been many changes in society that have affected children over the last 50 years, however there are several different sociological views on whether these changes have been beneficial to children or not. Functionalist sociologists have the ‘march of progress’ view, as they believe that the experience of childhood has massively improved over the last 50 years. They believe that society is more child-centred today than ever before.The introduction of contraception has led to couples having smaller families, therefore meaning that children now tend to receive more attention from their parents. Similarly, parents are also able to care for their children better due to the introduction of the welfare state and child benefits. Climbie’s case and ‘Every Child Matters’ has led to the improvement of social services and child protection, meaning childhood is much safer now than it was 50 years ago.Children are also in better health due to the NHS, meani ng more children survive childhood now than ever before. All children can now receive state education up until the age of 18, meaning they are better educated and can achieve much higher in adulthood, whilst experiencing a longer period of youth. All of these changes have improved the experience of childhood and cause Functionalists to believe that things are getting better. However, Marxist and Feminist sociologists disagree, claiming that the march of progress view is too positive.They believe that a child’s experience of childhood depends on their class, ethnicity and gender, and that Functionalists overlook the inequalities between these factors. This is called the ‘conflict’ view. Class has an effect on childhood as generally if a family is poor, the children are more likely to have a poor upbringing. Ethnicity is found to have an effect as Asian parents have been found to be much stricter on their kids.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Causes of Rural-Urban Migration

Rural-urban migration is the movement of people from rural areas to urban centers in search of employment and better living conditions among others. Rural-urban migration is most prevalent in developing countries. Rural-urban migration is facilitated by pull and push factors that forces people influx from countryside to cities. Push factors includes; drought, famine, natural disaster, poor living conditions like housing, healthcare and education, agricultural change, unemployment, war and conflict.Pull factors includes; employment, higher incomes, better healthcare and education, urban facilities and way of life and protection from war and conflict. Although rural-urban migration is an integral part of development it is significant for people to understand its causes and consequence for formulation and implementation of effective policies to encourage economic growth. Rural urban migration being flexible and dynamic phenomena cause diversification with a certain degree of commitment. People migration links people transferring them from low opportunities to high opportunities.CAUSES OF RURAL-URBAN MIGRATIONIntroductionRural-urban migration is the movement of people from rural areas to urban centers in search of employment and better living conditions among others. Rural-urban migration is prevalent in developing countries with its degree varying from country to country. Rural-urban migration influences urban growth with expansion of cities and towns covering greater land. As a result of rural-urban migration there is urbanization referring to increase in proportion of people’s living in cities and towns.Rural-urban migration is facilitated by pull and push factors that forces people influx from countryside to cities. Push factors may include drought, famine, natural disaster, poor living conditions like housing, healthcare and education, agricultural change, unemployment, war and conflict. Pull factors include employment, higher incomes, better healthcare and education, urban facilities and way of life and protection from war and conflict (Goldscheider, 19). Cause of Rural-Urban Migration Costs of rural-urban migration outweigh benefits resulting in expansion of cities and towns thus excessive urbanization.Urban planners and decision makers are more concerned with causes and consequences of rural-urban migration and their relationship with economic growth and urbanization. Although rural-urban migration is an integral part of development it is significant for people to understand its causes and consequence for formulation and implementation of effective policies to encourage economic growth. Issues faced in rural areas trigger people’s migration to urban areas. Those people living in rural areas are willingly and unwillingly part of the economic system.Movement of people from rural areas to urban center is triggered by voluntary and involuntary forces. Involuntary are the factors that force people to migrate with no choice bu t to move this are the push factors. Voluntary forces covers all people’s migration by will, this are the pull factors (McCatty, 5). Migration Forces People may involuntary move from rural to urban areas as a result of family disagreements, wars, conflicts, draught, famine and political strife. This factors forces people to seek refuge in urban areas where they can have access to security, food and far from political strife.Voluntary factors such as better employment opportunities force people to move to urban areas. The quality of employment in urban areas is better than in rural. In rural areas people have little education and their payment is low. Those who have migrated to urban areas have gained incentives through better and well paying jobs. Housing conditions in rural areas is worse compared with urban areas; people may voluntarily decide to move to urban areas to have access to better living conditions such as better healthcares, better education and housing (McCatty, 8).Rural land tenure and pattern of inheritance is another factor resulting in voluntary rural urban migration. This cause problem if land tenure is communal whereby you find that land is owned by group of people thus individual having no authority to protect or own the land. This cause conflict during land sharing forcing many people to be landless thus opting to move to urban centers. Rural social structure and cultural values may cause conflict among rural population forcing some people to move to urban areas.Different ethnic communities have different cultural values and social structures which may differ resulting to cultural conflicts thus people’s migration to urban areas where they can’t experience cultural conflicts. Rural people when offered with better options of earning living which are not demanding like rural farming and which is more financially rewarding, they are likely to accept. Depending on the country, farming gives seasonal employment with no eno ugh income to sustain rural people thus being forced to move to urban areas in search for better and well paying jobs (McCatty, 9).Issues faced in Rural Areas – Changes in educational system as a result of what is being taught in school vary from their traditional norms. In rural areas, cultural values and norms undergo changes due to influence from foreign entities and missionaries. In rural areas people experience low and high global economy due to drop of prices thus their sustainability being influenced. During economic recession they are the first people to be affected. This triggers their movement from rural to urban for search of better opportunities.People in rural areas are exposed to films, radio programs and recent television series from cities. When exposed to this urban life, their living conditions decline due to exploitation of resource in need of living like those in urban areas. Many people are not able to cope with this situation in rural areas and they opt for urban areas where they can have better life with access to all these facilities. Living condition for most rural people have changed for better with improved medical care, improved health and longevity which has contributed to increase in population in rural areas thus pressure on the limited resources.These forces some people especially young incase the land ownership in the rural was communal they move to urban centers where they can be accommodate without congestion (McCatty, 7). Influence by outside developed world on people’s culture and way of life contributes to people’s movement to urban areas. Media influence has made people recognize their state of poverty. This has made people think of change and they think the only option to move to urban center for white collar jobs and better living conditions.People’s perception of better life changes their success in rural areas; people have changed their notions about educations and holding higher positions. This has facilitated people movement from rural area to urban in search of better education which can lead to higher incomes thus increasing their future income. Increase in income increases people’s consumption. People believe that by having firsthand accounts their living conditions will be improved in urban areas (Agesa and Sunwoong, 60). Poverty Poverty is experienced globally in third world nations especially by rural population.Developmental policies in various countries are more concerned with poverty alleviation resulting to economic growth. Most people in developing nation live under poverty with urban poverty being constant with majority living in rural areas. In those countries with agricultural based economy, those residents who are poor lack access to resources thus high level of inequitable and inequality distribution of resources. Most people living in rural areas are women and children who practices subsistence farming.Poverty contributes to people‘s mo vement from rural to urban areas in search of better and well paying jobs to alleviate poverty (McCatty, 9).. Urban Informal Sector Unlike the formal counterpart of urban informal sector, there are activities of all kind which are unregulated and small scale in nature. Most people in urban areas create their own employments, start their businesses and even work as a small-scale family enterprise. These jobs includes, street vending, hustling, sharpening of knife, drug trafficking, maize roasting and even prostitution.Others find better jobs like artisans, mechanics, carpenters, barbers, personal servants and maids. Some becomes successful business people with several employees thus earning more income. Those people venturing in informal work are mostly rural migrants who have little skills and they earn enough income just to sustain them. Informal sector has a link with formal sector and offers employment opportunities to those people who can’t access jobs in formal sectors. Informal sector acts as a safety net for those rural people who fall back if things don’t work out for them.Informal sector has been categorized among those factors causing rural urban migration since it reduces individual risk of being unemployed once they migrate to cities (McCatty, 12). Government policies to some extent cause rural urban migration. Those policies supporting disproportionate increase employment opportunities and in wage rate in urban centers leads to imbalances in rural urban landscape. Rural urban migration contributes to increased rate of unemployment in urban areas.As a result of difference in wages there are urban bias encouraging people to move from rural to urban thus urban bias resulting to rural-urban migrations (Agesa and Sunwoong, 72). Modernization of Agriculture Agricultural modernization contributes a lot toward rural urban migration especially in developing countries. Agricultural modernization involves use of machines and artificial fertiliz ers for agriculture. This result to need of few workers in the farms and farmers doesn’t require farm manure but use fertilizers. This reduces employment opportunities for rural people especially youths and men.Those farmers who used to keep livestock lose market for their products like manure thus being forced to look for alternatives in urban areas (Goldscheider, 27). Natural Disasters Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes and landslide contribute toward rural urban migration. These natural disasters destroy people’s properties and crops leading to poverty and insecurity. To seek for safety and alternatives people prefer moving to urban areas where they can have guaranteed safety from such disasters (Agesa and Sunwoong, 68).Other Factors Other factors like primitive conditions in rural areas forces people seek civilized ways of living in urban areas. Bullying, death threats and disown from society as a result of certain offense may force one seek refuge in urban areas where there is no cultural or community rules to be followed. Slavery in rural areas may force people to move to urban areas mostly children and youth who finds it difficult to put up with work they are given by parents or in plantations.Poor chances of finding courtship may be a contributing factor in that; one may think that in urban areas there are many people where s/he can have chance of choosing from different people (Goldscheider, 41). Conclusion Not only rural people but people in general are attracted to urban areas because they think that urban areas have better and greater opportunities than rural. For many who move to urban they end up in poverty. Rural urban migration being flexible and dynamic phenomena cause diversification with a certain degree of commitment. Migration helps in linking people and transferring them from low opportunities to high opportunities.Rural urban migration contributes nearly to 60 percent of urban growth and it occurs at a particular se tting which is marked by limited industrial but quick commerce centered growth in cities.Works CitedAgesa, Richard & Sunwoong Kim, â€Å"Rural To Urban Migration as A Household Decision: Evidence From Kenya, â€Å"Review of Development Economics, Vol. 5, 2001, pp. 60-75 Goldscheider, Calvin, Rural Migration in Developing Nations, Boulder and London: Westview P, 2003 McCatty Machel, the Process of Rural-Urban Migration in Developing Countries, Ottawa: Ontario, Carleton University, 2004

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Perception and reality of technology

Perception and Reality of Technology Nowadays, technology is popular in our lives and greatly improves as time is passing. Technology has brought many benefits, but in reality, many people perceive technology as having negatively impacted our lives. There are three things of technology which can provide to us a better knowledge; faster ways of locomotion and communication are smart phones, computers, and televisions.The perception is everyone knows smart phones can make life easier in many ays; Smart phones support a wide variety of other services such as text messages, emails, the Internet access, games, and photography; they allow us to reach anyone all around the world. By using smart phones for voice calls or video calls and text messages, people are able to keep in touch with others in a long distance. Today, with the development of cell phones, we can use them for our entertainment such as surfing the Internet, sending photos or downloading videos and games.Additionally, GPS in smart phones becomes an important part of our life. People use GPS in smart phones to find their way to home, work, restaurants, or shopping centers. Although we already have classical GPSs, smart phones are usually lighter, smaller, and faster than the classical GPSs. That is why smart phones are used by many people in around the world. According to a research, the number of people accessing the web through smart phones is increasing to over 17. 4% of worldwide internet usage (Fox). In the reality, smart phones have negative effects to students in the education environment.They distract students from their lessons and make them miss important notes. As students often text messages to each other; they may also interrupt other students. Most people do not control how much time they should use smart phones, they waste their time on smart phones: playing games, watching movies, and news updating. Moreover, smart phones disturb people when they focus on driving; and they have to take t heir eyes off the road to talk or text. It is very risky and dangerous to everyone in and around the car. According to a report in 2009 in he U.S, there were a reported 5,474 people killed by distracted drivers; 995 of those were considered killed by drivers distracted by smart phones (Distracted Driving 2009). Next, in perception, that is the computer is one of the important features of technology, which is very useful for people in order to widen their knowledge. Our current development is due to computers in many areas. People consider that computers provide better education; they provide as with many distant learning courses and online testing like McGraw-Hill Connect and MyltLab.Also, computers furnish a lot of necessary access to information such as news and emails. Moreover, people use computers to keep in touch with entertainment, looking for friends; or watch Glee comedy and America's Next Top Model shows. On the other hand, in reality, people sometimes abuse computers. Pla ying games on computer do not have benefit to adults and children; it wills a cause bad effect on people such as eye strains, wrist, neck and back pains. People, who use computers too otten in a long time, should take a snort break atter 1 or 2 hours.Computer can affect our mental health with the large amount of bad knowledge on the Internet; especially children and teenagers. They enjoy play video games and watch violent movies; it may also affect their psychologist and make them become a murder in school. According toa research in 2011 in the U. S, the Supreme Court struck down California's law did not allow to sale or rental of violent video games to people under 18 (Beresin). In perception, television is another kind of popular technology which many household have.They can be operated either by battery or electronics. Furthermore, television can improve vocabulary and language skills for people who want to learn second languages. After a long day of work, people love to spend ti me watching TV with their family members. With the help TV, people may learn more about different countries culture from entertainment, educates, and informs all functions of mass media. The reality is the disadvantage of televisions; they often stop people from following other good habits like reading books and socializing.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Administrative Ethics-HIPAA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Administrative Ethics-HIPAA - Essay Example The specifics of these objectives are highlighted under Title II and I respectively. Section one embodies the protection of health covers for workers and their families. This part is meant to ensure easy transfer of health insurance covers from an old employer to a new employer or at least guarantee the continuation of cover in the event of job loss. On the other hand, section II details administrative specifics under Administrative Simplification (AS) (Banks, 2006). The AS section dictates requirements in establishing nationwide standards, which define the manner in which healthcare transactions are conducted electronically. It also defines the specific identifiers for employers, insurance plans and healthcare providers. This section helps simplify administrative challenges emerging from requirements of portability. The AS section also addresses issues of privacy and security of patients’ information and records. Since its ambitious implementation, HIPAA has expanded its infl uence on to major health issues such as security, confidentiality, privacy and simplification (Banks, 2006). In a nutshell, HIPAA promises an effective and efficient mode of disseminating and sharing electronic information in the healthcare sector. The compliance deadline was 2003 and a slight extension for harmonization of some minor plans. Since 2003, the plan has gained widespread adherence by various players including health insurers, employer sponsored healthcare plans, healthcare service providers and clearing houses in the sector. In spite of its positive outlook and gains made, HIPAA still raises numerous challenges with regard to its implementation. This paper reviews one of the significant challenges in HIPAA’s implementation by highlighting a newspaper article covering the issue of disclosure. The article under highlight appeared in the New York Times on 3rd July, 2007. The piece of work by Jane Gross is titled â€Å"Keeping Patients’ Details Private, Even From Kin.† Disclosure Issues in HIPAA’s Implementation HIPAA dictates the rules of disclosure and non-disclosure for Protected Health Information (PHI). However, Gross (2007), indicates that a number of studies have shown that a number of healthcare providers are applying HIPAA inappropriately. These providers and practitioners under them apply the regulations overzealously by being excessively and unnecessarily prohibitive. These acts have left caretakers, family members, law enforcement officers and public health officers unable to access information that is essential for their operations and life. Gross’ article presents this challenge by citing various real-life situations in which family members have been barred from staying with their kin or assessing their treatment chart information while undergoing treatment. Gross cites Mr. Nussbaum’s case in which he was barred from staying with his father or checking his treatment chart as an example of misinte rpretation of the act (Gross, 2007). A similar case involving Ms. Banks saw her drive from Oklahoma to Tampa to get information about her mother because this could not be disclosed over the . On arrival, she had to spend another 24 hours before she could get the disclosure from the doctor involved, simply because the nurse feared going against HIPAA (Gross, 2007). These examples show the frustrations that family and other parties such as researchers have when seeking patient information. The bigger challenge is that while there are â€Å"good faith nondisclosures,† there are also numerous cases of â€Å"bad faith nondisclosures† that unnecessarily bar access to information. For example,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

National System of Employment Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

National System of Employment Relations - Essay Example Thus employers are subject to a framework of rules and regulations that seek to ensure the obligations of employers to employees. However the recent developments in the sphere of employment relationship have demonstrated that a number of new factors have forced both employers and employees to mutually agree on certain non-extant or poorly defined rules and regulations (Kelly, 1998). For instance when the labor law is ambiguous the employment relationship becomes much more individualistic. In other words when an employment relationship does not exist it is almost impossible to define the legal outcomes such as rights and obligations of the relationship. In such a situation the employer and the employee might develop a vague and individualistic employment relationship (Lindio-McGovern, 2003). The same applies to triangular employment relationship in which the employee might sign the employment contract with the agency rather than with the end-user. In such a situation the employment relationship might become too individualistic. The same principle can be applied to the disguised employment relationship in which the employee is treated by the employer as a non-employee without the rights provided by law and therefore minus the legal obligations cast on the latter by labor legislation (Lee, 1996). In other words it is an individual arrangement between the employer and the employee. Globalization a... The theoretical constructs on globalization have been varied and complex. This diversity has injected a considerable amount of controversy and conjecture into the current discourse on the subject though. While the underlying theoretical constructs basically refer to such parallel concepts as international free trade and financial movements there are other related concepts too. Thus it must be noted globalization has reduced the importance of employee relations in the context of global environment (Kaufman, 2004). The legal relationship between the employer and the employee defines the very essence of the employment relationship. However it has been pointed out by critics that the existing labor legislation and social security provisions do not adequately cover up the requirements of employees. In fact the employment relationship has become more or less an individual arrangement devoid of universal contractual obligations as found in International Labor Organization's (ILO) documents ( This phenomenon has acquired a new dimension under different disguises and ruses adopted by employers and imposed on unsuspecting employees. The former tends to arrange an individualistic relationship with the latter on the basis of immediate benefits of employment while the latter agrees more or less due to personal compulsions.Employment relationship ensures the availability of a number of rights and obligations to the employee and imposes some obligations on the employer. In the same manner it i mposes some obligations on the employee and grants a right to the employer to obtain the service of labor of the employee.

Cameras make art less valuable Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cameras make art less valuable - Essay Example nted images but people have started seeing it this way and for this reason Camera Art is becoming more popular and the painted art is becoming less valuable. It is easy to capture the same moment again but is it impossible to capture the same feeling again. With the introduction of camera art the audience is losing the general sense of imagination, a place that exists in real and can be seen by the naked eye. As compared to painted art which cannot be recreated, even if the same image is being reproduced by the same artist it will give another feel all together. The beauty of art is it explains the inner deep emotions of the painter, an image which might or might not exist in the real life, an imagination that might or might not create a meaning. The way we see things is interpretation of what we know or believe about it. From the image of sunset to the creation of the concept of heaven and hell, everything was assumed to be an imagination in the minds of the creator. Even if the sunset can be seen but the color and added creation was what made the painting an art. Art also evolved over time and when the definitions of the concepts changed the same was reflected onto canvas. We see a same person different and complete if we are in love with him, the feeling of love creates a perfect image because everyone wants to see a complete image of the person they fall for. The sight of camera art is limited to what we see in real life, they cannot create images that do not exist, they can create images that are special for one and ordinary for others, they can even create the feel of the place. They limit the imagination of the thinker and audience; they limit it because a person can use his five senses to actually see the place instead of thinking beyond. It isolates the thinking because it can only be thought of way it is projected; the click of the moment explains the essence of the picture taken. It is mechanically recreating of stimuli. When we see a painting we are

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Airport screening Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Airport screening - Essay Example In his book, Airport and Aviation Security Elias2 (21) states that mandatory screening in airports is among the strategies that the DHS is employing to prevent terrorists from gaining entry into the country. According to the policy, all passengers from abroad are subjected to thorough screening at the airports to prevent entry of explosives and illegal arms or illicit drugs into the country. The screening policy at the airport was expanded recently following an Ebola scare. This follows a growing concern among Americans of the possible spread of the Ebola into the United States. In the news article â€Å"Ebola Airport Screenings May Seem Intrusive, But They’re Legal, Experts Say†, Tucker (6) notes that Ebola, a disease that was first reported in West Africa, has already claimed the lives of close to 2,000 people. Among the West African countries where deaths have been reported include Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. Ebola has also been reported in Spain and the U.S., where the disease recently claimed the life of a patient who had been transferred from West Africa for treatment. The Ebola scare has caused a scare to Americans to the extent that the government has been forced to put stringent measures to prevent the spread of Ebola into the U.S. According to the new policy, passengers arriving from West African countries, such as Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone are required to be subjected to thorough screening for Ebola virus. A news article published by Eye Witness News stated that the screening involves checking the passengers temperatures using non-touch thermometers and other screening techniques (5). The main aim of Ebola screening at the airport is to help identify sick passengers from Ebola affected countries so that appropriate measures are taken to prevent the passengers from mixing with the rest of the American population. Any passengers found showing symptoms of Ebola are quarantined immediately in the isolation facilities

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mergers and Acquisitions (AECOM) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Mergers and Acquisitions (AECOM) - Essay Example The acquisition between the two firms created a lot of opportunities for the competitors in the market to gain stability and thus pose even stronger competition in the market. Besides, the acquisition led to an increase in the shares [prices of the company as opposed to the reduction in its value as it was anticipated. Moreover, the acquisition was as a result of ACM struggling to pursue its selfish interest in the construction industry to ensure that it controls the whole market. It is evident that the primary aim of the acquisition was to eliminate other competitors from the market in order to create a free market for ACM Construction Company to dominate the market. This however did not succeed due to the poor strategies involved in the acquisition. To begin with, the Income statement of the company before the acquisition is better than after the acquisition. The company used to make a lot of profits in the past as observed by Depamphilis (2011). Since the acquisition between the two companies took place, Jacobs Construction Company has remained steady and continued to enjoy more customer base than before. There has been a significant increase in the number of share of JCE traded with a stable price of $ 23.8 and an average of 240 shares being traded daily. The income statement also signifies a decrease in diluted average weighted share from 132.18 to 126.47 by the r March 2015. This is a good indicator that the company had gained economies of scale and thus financial growth due to the competitiveness created by the acquisition of the two firms according to Bruner, (2004). The operational synergy for JCE converged and moved together in the same direction after the acquisition of AECOM. This also signifies an improvement in functionality and management of JCE as compared to the merged firm. Moreover, it means increased competition among the firms in the industry as opposed to the primary intention

Monday, September 23, 2019

Media History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Media History - Essay Example As the report declares the mention of history should not be construed as a mirror of the past in totality for various reasons, and there are various points that anyone studying history in media or any other field should be aware about when trying to unveil it’s the two meanings. One of the matters concerning history is that there are epistemological as well as philosophical assumptions that many historians make with regards to the proper way in which history should be done. One of those assumptions is where we are meant to believe that history can correspond with reality in the past by reading its contents. The misconception that history is a true reflection of the past is thus worth noting in media studies out of knowledge that the history presented to us entails many life philosophies in its construction. According to the research findings history is always made for someone and thus it has a purpose as opposed to ‘the past’, which remains just as ‘the past’. It is through this understanding that one learning media history is able to know that every historian gives an account concerning something with the chief intent that someone in later time will get to read or go through their documentation unlike the past. In addition, history is ideological and not innocent as it appears unlike ‘the past’ in that, its construction encompasses a historian’s moral judgment concerning the wrong and the good as well as depending on how they perceive the world.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The origin and destination of migrants Essay Example for Free

The origin and destination of migrants Essay Analyse the economic, environmental, social and demographic impacts of migration at both the origin and destination of migrants. Migration is a movement and refers to a permanent change of home. It can also be used with different scales to include temporary changes involving seasonal and daily movements both between countries and within a country. Migration will affect the distribution of people over a given area as well as the total population of a region and the population structure of a country or city. The changes caused by migration are also directly related to the causes of migration itself. For example, forced migration can be caused by religious or political reasons. When people leave because of this, there is likely to be less resistance in the area and so the views or actions, which forced citizens away, are likely to escalate. Other forced issues include overpopulation as found in China, famine suffered by Ethiopians in the Sudan, and environmental factors for example Chernobyl in the Ukraine. At the origin of migration, the effects will be mixed depending on the influences. On a national scale, migration can be both beneficial and disadvantageous. In the UK, internal migration is commonly due to several factors, including retirement where people who have served all their working days in urban surroundings and move to the quiet of rural areas, often on the coast, or moving to find a better quality of life or the relocation of business where people may be able to run their business from a remote location, or require movement to an area with improvement telecommunications or similar. As a result of this, agriculturally based work opportunities are declining as farms become even larger and more mechanised. Local housing becomes too expensive for local people and is bought by commuters. Demand for local services such as local shop and post office can cause them to close and people have to travel to urban areas making living in the country side more expensive. These effects work both ways however. The effect on those moving from rural to urban locations can be very beneficial. Businesses moving into urban areas are at an advantage because they will generally have access to better communication infrastructure and more valuable land and pool of staff to choose from. This still occurs despite financial incentives from the Government, which have been brought on by the worry of overcrowding of the major UK cities and the risk of the urban area becoming saturated, whereas the rural countryside can be much more scenically acceptable to the workforce. On an international scale, some countries view emigration as a direct cure for possible high unemployment rates. Whilst this may look good as a figure written down and a positive fact for the Government to use to show how they have cut unemployment, conversely if too many citizens emigrate who are also skilled workers then this could lead to labour shortages throughout the countrys profitable industry with which they would use both in country and export for extra global economic wealth. This is known as the brain-drain. If this were to happen, then the country would need to adopt a policy completely the opposite and import workers. Malaysia has suffered from this and has contracted Indonesians to live, some temporarily, in the country and work on construction projects and agricultural areas. These workers are filling the deficit that was left by Malaysian citizens leaving the country for Singapore and the Far East. In this situation, the push factors far outweigh the pull. The demography, social makeup of the source country will be affected too. Different ages and sexes are likely to show different characteristics and influence the area in different ways. For example, young adult in their reproductive years are more likely to move. The origin will then suffer a general decrease in birth rate because of less young frivolous males and females of childbearing age. This will inevitably lead to the average age of the population becoming higher increasing the death rate. An older population will also have an effect on their dependency on others. Older people will directly and indirectly put new pressures on transport, health and residential services, which will invariably change the social side of a settlement or country. Less industry and business will result although coastal and rural areas may benefit from tourism. The load on the remaining community would be high, and would be worsened if more of one gender migrated than the other forcing a lop-sided population pyramid. Sex selective migration can aid in disrupting family life and marriage patterns. This is demonstrated by the fact that of all households in the world, a woman heads one in three. The reasons for this are twofold. Firstly, the adult males may have died, maybe through war or natural disaster, with the wife outliving her husband. Secondly, the majority of women are without men because of migration. The men may have moved to other areas in search of better living standards for themselves or their family, better job prospects, or other economic advantages with which they can support the family elsewhere. An example of this occurring was the mass movement of young unmarried Irishmen last century. The average age of marriage for women rose and resulted in an ever-increasing proportion of those who never married, which will have affected the country severely. The population would have shrunk with a smaller male population and less couples producing families to continue replacement, and so birth rate falls. The environment will also be affected. If the area was heavily agricultural, then the effect of people moving away will be such that their will be less man-power in the area to tend to the land. This means that the land would be left unused and produce in the area will decline. In areas where subsistence farming is common, this would spell disaster for local residents whose food supply would diminish. If land is left unused then it loses its fertility therefore it is unlikely that the land would be able to be used to the same extent later on. This puts a rapid stop to any chance of sustainable development in the short-term future, although in the long-term the availability of fertiliser or nutrients to add to the land may help, but these come at a price. In many countries it is almost tradition that the young male or males of the family will provide and tend for all other members, including their sisters and elders. In communities where this is true, parents will often try to have as many children as they can because they know that their offspring will get jobs in their early teens and then be able to support their parents until old age. Traditionally also, parents have hoped for male offspring as opposed to female because males are more likely to get a job and earn more money to financially support his parents in the future. The problem that has been evident and one that is a growing concern is that young males are now migrating from their native lands or regions in search of better job prospects. Their ambitions are taking them away from their family unit, and when they reach their new urban destination they will either get a job and send some money back home if the infrastructure of the country supports; but if they cannot find employment then they still do not return to the rural areas because of embarrassment and failure to help their families. At the migrants destination, many of the same effects apply. The most obvious effect at the destination is that there is suddenly an increase in population. Because it is usually males of working age who move, there is now a huge pool of potentially cheap labour; and they tend to accept poorly paid and often menial jobs with little security. Whilst this is advantageous both to employers and to the migrants themselves who are provided with a source of income, migrants can be viewed as a burden upon their new homeland especially during times of recession. Many are joined by their families and thus make demands upon health, education, housing and welfare benefits. With an increase in population, there will be increase pressure on housing and accommodation. There are increasing numbers of migrants who are unable to find accommodation in the place to which they move; this forces them to live on the streets in shanties, refuge camps, or on a smaller scale. When joined by their wives and only at a much later stage by older relatives, by which time children may also have been born to them, this will drastically affect the demography of the area or country. It will create a huge imbalance of age and sex groups at the destination and also reverse patterns at their origin. Immigration however can play an important role in population growth. It can influence natural increase since most immigrants are of childbearing age, but sheer volume is also significant. For example, ten years of immigration to the USA accounted for over a half of the nations growth. There are currently approximately 1,500,000 forced migrants seeking refuge in the USA from countries such as El Salvador, Guatemala and Vietnam. In contrast to this, some cases migration has led to the reduction of native populations. Historically, when nations like Spain began to colonise the New World they took with them diseases such as influenza, measles and smallpox and as a result the indigenous populations dropped by two thirds. Hartman, of the London School of Economics stated that, Some argue that population growth is the greatest single limit to economic growth and the continued survival of the earths ecological systems. In other words, scarcity of resources is made worse by the increasing demand from a growing population for resources such as water, fuel, and a clean environment. In reality, this resource scarcity can lead to enhanced conflict and the breakdown on cooperative action. Such stresses can have a negative effect of health and changing consumption patterns and can also lead to wars and violent conflict leading to increased migration and the creation of so called environmental refugees. The social impact of migrants is probably the most contentious and important. International migration can lead to racial tension. Despite the enrichment of the country brought about by immigrants (artistic, theatrical, sporting, commercial, administrative and industrial, for example), resentment and even anger can be directed at such groups who see themselves as long-standing citizens, resulting in racism. It is often directed at easily identifiable groups and this behaviour is likely to be brought about by the unfortunate desire for individuals to protect their territory. At best, the situation fades out as the groups are accepted into society. At worst, the racism holds that the immigrants, no matter how long-standing they may be, are a threat to the well being of the nation, and are encouraged by one means or another to leave. If the group is not socially resilient, then there should, theoretically, be no problem with racism on any level.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Chronic Non-communicable Diseases (CNCD)

Chronic Non-communicable Diseases (CNCD) Chronic Non-communicable Diseases(CNCD) Non-communicable diseases are chronic conditions that do not result from an acute infectious process, which known to be an instant progress, however, they lead to death, physical dysfunction, or impairment in the quality of life. In addition to that, chronic condition develop over relatively long period at first without causing sign and symptoms, but after while the diseases manifestations develop over time, there may be a period of protracted impaired health condition. Commonly, non-communicable diseases are considered to have characteristic of non-transmissible from person to person by contact or any other form of transmissions. Also chronic non-communicable diseases are the leading cause of death globally, killing more people each year than all other causes combined. Thus, Chronic non-communicable diseases are vastly becoming the international core of health issue and awareness toward them is instantly put into identifying solutions to the problem globally. According to WHO, the f our main types of non-communicable diseases are cardiovascular diseases mainly heart attacks and stroke, followed by cancers, chronic respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructed pulmonary disease and asthma, and lastly diabetes. This paper describes a framework, based on an ecological model, for addressing the major risk factors that contribute to chronic non-communicable diseases. Moreover, constructing ways to avoid and modify getting contact with chronic non-communicable diseases. CNCD prevention and control interventions will be incorporated into the healthy settings approach from the government to the individual level will lessen the overall critical CNCD globally. In addressing risk factors in each different sector from the ecological model can lessen the chances of getting Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases. The ecological model is categorized in decreasing ecological size order; start with public policy, flowed by community group, institutional group, interpersonal group, and individual level. Each group of ecological model will play a key role to preventions and appropriate intervention on CNCD. To begin with, the action of public policy on development of a system to establish targets, designate responsibility, and conduct performance management will gain success in prevention and intervention. Specifically, the developments of policy has focus on all areas on overall objectives and take priorities into account in order to develop local prevention and treatment plan in every annual period. Thus, it requires careful research on policies and measures that will facilitate the achievement of the goals, and effectively solve the problems and difficulties in CNCD prevention and treatment. Followed by, put into place policy guarantees, personnel staffing, capital investment, supervision and incentives will strengthen social mobilization. Moreover, make efforts to form a prevention and treatment synergic effect among the government and the society. For preferences of improvement, policies shall be introduced to enhance the quality of the environment, by increasing supported coverage area such as fitness facilities to build a healthy environment, to promote balanced diet, regular exercise, as well as tobacco free and alcohol consumption control area, result in avoidance of major risk factors of CNCD. Secondly, working in addressing from the community group such as organizations, community leaders, citizens will enhance the avoidance of risk factors affecting the populations. The ministry of health plays a key role in this coverage, revising existing and develop new guidelines, manuals and training modules for all of the activities showing the interaction between the ecological models of institutional and community group. In addition to that the departments of science and technology, industry and information technology, agriculture, protection of environment, commerce, radio film and television, press and publication, food and drug administration, etc. shall closely cooperate in accordance with their functions as well as perform their set obligations and accomplish their responsibilities. The essential job of communities, schools, worksites and healthcare sites can support and promote healthy behaviors through policies and environmental factors such as smoke-free workplaces, healt hy cafeteria meals, sidewalks bike paths, incentives for bicycle and pedestrian commuters, worksite wellness programs, insurance coverage for preventive services like tobacco cessation. In addition to that, strengthening of the School Health programs to include a component involving the family and community, in both health education and health-promoting activities such as increasing and enhancing physical education program, stimulate extracurricular physical activity time to time, provision of healthy food at schools, sensitively conducts inspections to unhealthy food at schools, and school-based CNCD risk factor screening and intervention. Thirdly, interpersonal group plays a role in early prevention and intervention of the major risk factors that contribute to the CNCD health problems. Group of family, friends, and social networks plays a role in addressing the critical case and helps out to avoid the preventable diseases. For example, Training of teachers and members of Parents-Teachers Association to raise awareness of the issue of increasing obesity and other CNCD risk factors in children under the school health program, highlighting the CNCD risk factors in particularly obesity and healthy diet. Also, providing lectures on prevention and management of childhood obesity will be another choice, whereas healthy eating physical activity exercise includes additional training for implementation of school-based programs for CNCD managing risk factors. On top of that, ministry of health, part of institution group is responsible for producing the necessary guidelines, manuals and training modules also seeing interconnecte d relationship within ecological model. As the result bring on progressive in training community members especially in healthy eating, physical activity and exercise, also avoiding risk factors that contributes to CNCD within interpersonally. Lastly, in solving the way improving factors such as knowledge, attitudes and skills of individual level can bring extra contributions to lessen the severity of global critic of death due to the major risk of chronic non-communicable diseases. Take on self-care responsibilities and become a resource for themselves and others in disease prevention and management will be further expanded. NCD prevention and control interventions will be incorporated into the healthy settings approach; this will include expanding the school health services to include nutrition and exercise promotion, cardiovascular risk and early intervention. To be informative, critical attribution resulted unhealthy lifestyle or modifiable behaviors like tobacco use, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, however, the most effective models of eliminating risk factors focus on changing individual behaviors start from itself.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Native Son Letter :: Native Son Richard Wright

June 17, 1938 Dear Bigger, This letter comes to you because, I don't think you acted like a role model as your character in Native Son. You play a huge role in the book. I would like to do what you get to do such as going where ever you want anytime. Walking around disrespecting your parents isn't going to help your relationship with them improve. You walk around with your best friends that are underage smoking and drinking which are setting bad examples. From your siblings, and your moms point of view I don't think that behavior would be acceptable. Everyday you walk around with your drooping down trying to find some one to take your anger out on just because you made a bad decision. You should not take your parents and sister for granted. If you ask me I would not disrespect my parents like you do. I'm glad my parents are here on this Earth. They take care of me and I'm not going to take it for granted. When I grow up I don't want to be a smoker or a drinker. When I get mad I try not to take my anger out on someone else. I'm usually just mad at myself for the stupid decision I made. Sincerely,

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Learning and Memory Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Learning and Memory Learning and memory are not unitary processes. Learning is the process by which new information is acquired; memory is the process by which that knowledge is retained. Learning can be divided into two types: 1)Explicit memory is the conscious acquisition of knowledge about people, places and things. It occurs in the highly developed vertebrate brain ,mainly in the diencephalic structure (1). 2) Implicit memory is the non conscious learning of motor skills and other tasks. It does not depend on the temporal lobe, but involves the sensory, motor associated pathways in the expression of learning process. This type of memory can be studied in higher invertebrates whereas explicit learning is only studied in mammals (2). After reviewing the enormous amount of information pertaining to memory and learning, I decided to focus on two areas of interest: the actual mechanism of learning and the process of consolidation which relates to how something that is learned is then stored as memory. The first area of interest involving learning has been elucidated by the concept of long term potentiation (LTP) in mammals and vertebrates and the second related area of consolidation has been elucidated by an invertebrate model of Aplysia. Long term potentiation can be defined as a long lasting increase in synaptic effectiveness which follows from high frequency of stimulation of afferent fibers. Although LTP occurs throughout the nervous system, it's focus has mainly been in the hippocampus which is involved in the formation of certain memories (1). Furthermore, LTP has been found to occur in not only the mammalian brain but also in other vertebrates such as the goldfish, bullfrog, bird and lizard. Characteristics of L... ...ns needed for growth. This shows that long term changes in both mammals and Aplysia are linked to gene induction which leads to synaptic growth (3,4). In conclusion, the structural changes implicated in long term memory are due to new protein and mRNA synthesis. These changes in transcription and translation can be initiated by repeated exposure to modulatory transmitters (5 HT) which mimic the effects of hormones and growth factors. Furthermore, through second messenger systems that regulate gene expression, modulatory transmitters utilized for learning can initiate synaptic growth. Internet Sources:

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Legalizing the Growth of Industrial Hemp Essay example -- Industrial H

It is clearly seen today that the abolishment of hemp has not only hurt American farmers, but also affects every citizen’s day to day life. This plant has been used for thousands of years all around the world, but in recent years it has been morphed into the devil weed it is seen as today. The unfortunate cause of this view is the assumption that marijuana and industrial hemp are one in the same. This view does have some validity but that cannot outweigh the fact that these products are far from identical. The benefits of hemp cannot be replaced; it is simply a miracle plant. This one plant can efficiently produce fuel, paper, plastic, and fiber for fabrics with a better end product than what is currently used for these commodities. This tough plant that is inexpensive and easy to grow would not only save our farming industry and help our economy, but would also help to repair our environment. Legalizing the use of industrial hemp would solve economic and environmental issues in America by providing a domestic, sustainable, and renewable resource. It has been found that industrial hemp was used as far back as 8000 BC (). This plant has withstood the test of time and was utilized for thousands of years, but in the 20th century was banned from America. The reason for this ban and why it continues today is due to its comparison to other strains of the plant that can be used for medicinal or recreational purposes (J. McDougal). The comparison between these two strains put fear into the American people, but could not be further from the truth. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is the chemical in marijuana that has an intoxicating effect when consumed. Industrial hemp or feral hemp contains less than half of one percent THC (D. West), whe... ...." Applied Physics Research. 2.1 (2010): 139-143. Print. Kaiser, Jocelyn. "Pests overwhelm Bt cotton crop." American Association for the Advancement of Science. (1996): Print. Kane, Mari. "The Movement to Legalize Industrial Hemp." Marijuana. Ed. Joseph Tardiff. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Contemporary Issues Companion. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. "Legalize Hemp." Multinational Monitor. 19.4 (1998): 5. Print. McDougal, Jeanette. "The Hemp Movement: A Disguise for Legalizing Marijuana." Marijuana. Ed. Joseph Tardiff. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Contemporary Issues Companion. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. "The history and benefits of hemp." San Diego Earth Times. Earth Times, 1999. Web. 15 Nov 2010. West, David. "Hemp and Marijuana: Myths & Realities." NAIHC, 1998. Web. 15 Nov 2010.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Albert Camus’ “The Stranger” Essay

In Camus’ The Stranger, the author exposes a tension between society and the protagonist’s perspective of society. The reader comes to understand the pointlessness of existence through the protagonist’s lens. Although society defines people by actions, Meursault rejects ideas of categorization and embraces a nihilistic view of life. This judgment passed on individuals is based on an individual’s actions. Meursault realizes that everything that lives must die, therefore no matter what one does in life, one is still doomed to the same fate that everyone else is. Meursault makes all of his decisions based on his notion that his actions are unimportant because no matter how society classifies him, he will still die. It is Meursault’s utter rejection of all things irrational that separate him from his fellow man and make him a â€Å"stranger†. The fact that Meursault doesn’t cry at his own mother’s funeral demonstrates how Meursault is disconnected from the normal human emotions of grief that usually accompany death. Meursault is not even sure when his mother died. â€Å"Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don’t know†(3). He seems to view the rest of humanity as the â€Å"others,† as if he is a mere observer rather than a part of humanity that he was born into. For example, the image of the elderly people gathered around the caretaker â€Å"nodding their heads† at Meursault conjures up the feeling of vultures surveying their prey. Even Meursault himself feels â€Å"that they were there to judge†(10). His behavior only reinforces this division as he finds himself unable to share in the emotional connection and experience of the vigil. For instance, when one of the women starts to cry, his only response to the tender display of love is, â€Å"I wish I didn’t have to listen to her anymore†(10). He does not relate to nor understand the woman’s humanity–as if he were a â€Å"stranger† to the essential elements of what it means to be human. Moreover, when the vigil ends and the elderly friends leave they shake his hand, a gesture to which he mockingly thinks â€Å"†¦as if that night †¦ had somehow brought us closer together† (12). This sarcasm underscores how utterly detached he feels from the rest of the world. After returning from the funeral for his mother, Meursault really demonstrates the meaninglessness of his life. What could possibly be more  boring and meaningless than walking around your apartment for a while? This passage is interesting because it gives the reader a rare glimpse of reflection about his mother. Even here, though, it is ultimately selfish in nature. Now that his mother is gone, he feels that his apartment is too big for him. He still lacks remorse or grief, but he’s realizing how his mother’s death affects him: abstractly and physically. The fact that Meursault thinks the apartment is too big for only him symbolizes his aloneness. Just as the apartment is too big and he lives only in one little part, the world is too big, and he is fundamentally alone. By killing the Arab, Meursault proves that his actions define him, and even if society labels him as a murderer, it does not matter because he is going to die anyway. The murder of the Arab takes place at the climax of the story and it makes the reader wonder why Meursault has no remorse. He is aware of what he is doing and is aware that it is wrong, however he does it anyway. Most people would care if they shot another man, but since he has no cares, he does it with no worries or remorse. â€Å"If the other one moves in, or if he draws his knife, I’ll let him have it† (56). This moment in particular is an example of his detached, passive, and psychotic nature. He offers to kill so nonchalantly that it shows no moral stance whatsoever. He’s so mentally detached that the thought of murder poses no great emotion or even feared remorse. Meursault starts to question why he should care about his life before he dies. He does not question what things would make his life worthwhile, but he questions why he should even question the things that would benefit his life. â€Å"As far as I could see, it didn’t have anything to do with me†(69). This emphasizes the point that Meursault is strongly disjointed from society and his and other peoples’ happiness. All Meursault knows is that it is not worth his time to worry about classifying things as good or bad because he will die regardless of his classification. Meursault is asked about emotions and feelings he doesn’t have or care to have. Meursault is annoyed because this is all a worthless examination into something that will seemingly bring no real conclusion to anything, because life is absurd. Meursault was sure about one thing–death. He was sure he would die, just like everyone else.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"But I was sure about me, about everything, surer than he could ever be, sure of my life and sure of the death I had waiting for me† (120). In his death, Meursault finally becomes part of the mainstream society, along with everyone else. The only guarantee in life is death. Meursault would die regardless of whether he killed the Arab or not. Meursault has reached the understanding that his life is not affected by his actions; it is only affected by his inevitable death. Meursault justifies his actions with his indifference. Whatever he has done in his life could not save him from his death. Meursault’s emotional detachment and disconnect from everyday emotions make him a stranger to humanity.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Enable Rights and Choices of Indivduals with Dementia Whilst

ENABLE RIGHTS AND CHOICES OF INDIVIDUALS WITH DEMENTIA WHILST MINIMISING RISKS 1 UNDERSTAND KEY LEGISLATION AND AGREED WAYS OF WORKING THAT SUPPORT THE FULFILMENT OF RIGHTS AND CHOICES OF INDIVIDUALS WITH DEMENTIA WHILE MINIMISING RISK OF HARM 1.1 The key legislations are Adult and Incapacity Act 2000, Mental Health Act 2007, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Human Rights Act. These are all core principals of legislation regarding an individual with dementia. Policies and procedures and agreed ways of working and safeguarding Individuals is another key factor. All organisations and authorities have a duty of care towards an Individual with dementia, GPs, Social Workers, Health Visitors, Family and Carers. All Individuals with dementia have the rights to make choices. Individuals with dementia should be encouraged to make as many decisions as possible for them; however they must be guided so they stay within the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Related article: Legal and Organisational Requirements for Dealing With Complaints We must assume that the Individual with dementia has capacity unless it has been assumed that they lack the capacity to make choices. We must not think that an Individual is not to be treated as unable to make a decision unless this has been established. An Individual is not to be treated as unable to make a decision because they might not always make a wise decision. If a decision is made under the Mental Capacity Act on behalf of the Individual, the decision must be made for the best interests of the Individual. Before a decision can be made on behalf of the Individual we must ask ourselves whether the purpose of the decision can be effectively achieved in a way that would not restrict the Individuals rights and freedom of choice and action. We also have to adhere to the Human Rights Act and code of Practises. The Individual with dementia will have to be risk assessed. The Individual will be encouraged to make their own choices and decisions, if they make an unwise decision they should be offered other options which will help lead them to make a wise decision. Risk needs to be balanced with Independence and Individuals choices and working within legislations. We should not assume that all Individuals with dementia are vulnerable; this depends entirely on the stages of dementia. We should not restrict the Individuals from having choices and making decisions for themselves. Risk assessments can be very complex as no two assessors will come to the same conclusion regarding the Individual. We have to let the Individual with dementia take a certain amount of risk for themselves, allowing this to happen makes the Individual feel worthy and independent and more at ease with their illness. If we were to put everything an Individual did down as a risk the Individual would feel worthless, inadequate, and useless and they would feel that they are a burden on their family. We have to weigh up the risk against the danger this is the key. If we were to take away all the choices and decisions and have someone else make these decisions and choices on behalf of the Individual this would have a negative impact on the Individual as they would be having everything took away from them and they wouldn’t feel in control. A positive impact on allowing the Individual to take risks, the Individual can still do their day to day activities etc, make their own meals, make cups of tea, do their own housework, laundry, take bathes, go for walks. Wherever possible we should eliminate high risks and look at ways to reduce these risks so they become low risks etc, supporting an Individual to make their meal observing them so they don’t hurt themselves, or accompany them on a walk etc. 1.2 People with dementia may have other difficulties too, like loss of hearing, make sure that the hearing aids are working well and that you speak to them in a loud clear voice so they can understand you. The person could also be in pain or discomfort, they could be having side effects from medication which will affect the way they communicate with you. Other problems would be eyesight, make sure they are wearing the correct prescription of glasses. Dentures are important as well, if the dentures are loose fitting then this will affect the person’s speech and this will be frustrating for them . 3Personal Information comes under the Data Protection Act 1998. We have to make sure personal Information is confidential. We have to know how to handle the personal Information, agreed ways of working, policies and procedures are all legislation frameworks. The Information should be processed fairly and lawfully. The Personal Data should be processed for limited purposes. The informat ion should be adequate, relevant and the information should be for the purpose of whom the information is processed for. The information should be kept up to date and accurate. The information should not be kept longer than intended for. The Persona Data will be processed in accordance with the rights of data subject under the Act. Measures are in place to avoid the information being lost or unauthorised and unlawfully processed or damaged to. The Personal Information shall not be transferred to another country outside the European Economic Area unless that country ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data. Personal Information may be shared with others, consent is needed to do this at all times from the Individual or in the case of an emergency, abuse, or if neglect is suspected. If the Individual is mentally incapable, informed consent should be given by the family or next of kin. Information that is shared with an advocate should be information that is for the Individuals best interest, Exchange of information from one organisation to another should be shared and done securely and access to the information should be controlled. Personal Information may be shared with carers who have access to the information regarding the service user. The carer will write up her findings when she has visited the service user and they will be on the log sheets in the care plan. When another carer goes to visit the service user they will look at the previous notes the other carer had documented and they will have a better understanding of the service user’s situation and needs. This is one form of information sharing also the carer will access information from the care plan and from the med sheets. If a service user was to be hospitalised the paramedics may need the care plan and log sheets so they can read up and see if any information documented is relevant to the response of the paramedic. Also if a service user was to go into a care home the care plan and log sheets would be taken in to the home so the relevant members of staff could read the data and have a better understanding of the service user. The Medication sheet would also be in with the care plan; a key factor is getting consent to access information. BE ABLE TO MAXIMISE THE RIGHTS AND CHOICES OF INDIVIDUALS WITH DEMENTIA 2.1 SEE STANDARDS 2.2 It is very important not to assume that an Individual with dementia cannot make their own decisions. From the time the Individual has been diagnosed the time scale is important as this gives the Individual time and may be capacity or limited capacity to make own choices and decisions. This is the time when the relevant authorities should prompt the Individual and gather as much information about the Individual; this information can come from the Individual, the family, the next of kin. Information on preferences, choices and decisions and wishes. Information on Individuals life experiences, strengths and abilities, family history, favourite foods, pastimes, hobbies, favourite drinks, dislikes, likes, favourite radio station, favourite tv programmes, routines, clothes the Individual likes to wear and socialising. All the information and choices and preferences will help the Individual and the people supporting the individual prepare for the future. Early diagnosis of an Individual will give the Individual the rights to their freedom and this must be respected. As dementia advances the risk assessment plan will need to be reviewed and the care plan may need to change to accommodate the changes within the Individual. We should still encourage the Individual to make decisions and choices as much as possible, bearing in mind the risks which come with these decisions and choices. All the choices and decisions should be monitored and recorded. Taking away the rights of an Individual with dementia can be soul destroying, it can be frustrating, the Individual may become depressed, withdrawn, feel isolated, worthless, a burden, emotionally detatched and angry. Every emotion a normal person feels, the Individual with dementia will feel the same but on a higher scale. Dementia Individuals need to be in an environment of comfort and empowerment. The Individual will respond better to a person centered approach. The Individual needs to feel a sense of belonging and attached, they need to feel included and feel part of a group or physical setting, they need to be occupied and kept busy just as they was in their everyday life before they got the illness. Their environment needs to be created so that the Individual has support and can do the things they have always enjoyed doing. All Individuals with dementia have their own personal Identity they are all unique so learning about their life stories and experiences can be of benefit to the care they receive as the information learnt can be built into their interactions within their care plan needs. 2.3 SEE STANDARDS. 3 BE ABLE TO INVOLVE CARERS AND OTHERS IN SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH DEMENTIA 3.1 SEE STANDARDS. 3.2 There can be conflicts and disagreements between carers and Individuals with dementia and also conflicts with family members. When the problem arises we have to address the problem and try and resolve the problem as soon as possible. We have to take into account the rights and choices of the Individual and balance this with the risk and safeguarding of the Individual. An Individual who has dementia may not want carers to come into their homes; they may not want anybody doing things for them and refuse the help. This can be frustrating for the carer however the carer may talk to the Individual in a subtle way and explain that he or she is not here to take over their lives but just here to help support them when they need help and just here to see that the Individual has had their medications. The carer will find it useful to read the Individuals notes and care plan and get as much information as possible on the Individual. The carer will have to reassure the Individual and try and gain their trust. The carer may ask the Individual if you could accompany them to the shops or to an appointment etc. The Individual must be allowed to take risks however if the risks look like they are dangerous or appear to be harmful we must explain the reasons to the Individual. If we cannot resolve the problem there and then, we must record the information and report it to the manager of the company supplying the service. The manager will take the appropriate action with the relevant authorities. The safeguarding of the Individual is paramount and we should never ignore potential high risks or dangers to the Individual, and we must work to policies and procedures and agreed ways of working at all times. 3.3 All organisations and service providers have a system for complaints and procedures these are legal requirements. Everybody has the right to complain about poor quality services, services not being delivered, services that Individuals need but are not being supplied, conflict with carers, service providers. The Individual will have a document of complaints within their care package. The document should be clear and informative on how to make a complaint. The document will state who the complaint should be made to and timescales for when the complaint will be dealt by. If an Individual with dementia wanted to make a complaint I would support them and if they wanted I would read the document to them and support them in filling out the form. If the Individual with dementia didn’t have full capacity to fill out the form I would liaise with the next of kin, family members or advocates. I would inform them that the Individual would like to make a complaint and if they would like to help the Individual to fill the form out providing the Individual gave consent. I would explain how the complaints system works and when they would receive a response to the complaint. I would inform my manager that the service user or service user’s family have made a complaint and I would take the complaint in an addressed envelope to my manager as soon as possible. When handling a complaints document with an Individual with dementia I would work within the Mental Capacity Act 2005. I would explain to the Individual and the next of kin that the document is confidential and that it will be dealt with in a professional manner and that the complainant has nothing to worry about regarding the complaint and explain that it is their right of choice to complain. I would also explain that whilst complaints are being dealt with it makes the service user resolve the problems and also it is of benefit to the organisations in ensuring the problems don’t occur again and that they get it right first time and this will have a positive impact on the organisations. If a carer wanted to make a complaint about another carer they would follow the same procedure in filling out the document and they would take it to the manager. The manager would explain that in making the complaint it does not jeopardise their employment as they have a right and choice as whether to make a complaint. The manager would work towards resolving the complaint in a professional manner so that the employees can move forward and be happy in their work. 4 BE ABLE TO MAINTAIN THE PRIVACY DIGNITY AND RESPECT OF INDIVIDUALS WITH DEMENTIA WHILST PROMOTING RIGHTS AND CHOICES 4.1 From a personal experience of supporting an Individual with dementia to maintain privacy and dignity, I have found that the more I get to know the Individual and them getting to know me the easier it has become for both of us to feel comfortable about maintaining privacy and dignity. Personal care and hygiene is a key factor. We should support the Individual to maintain their personal hygiene and appearance and their living environment to the standards that they want. We should respect their choices and decisions of choice of dress, hairstyle etc. We should let the Individual with dementia make own choices and decisions. We should not make assumptions about standards of hygiene for Individuals. We should respect cultural factors and take them into consideration when supporting the Individual. Supporting the Individual to have a clean appearance and pleasant environment is good for the Individuals self esteem. Supporting female Individuals with dementia helps them to keep their home nice and clean and helps towards maintaining their dignity and self respect. Supporting a male Individual with dementia, he may need support with shaving, maybe prompting the Individual to shave will all it will take and the Individual may go to the bathroom and have a shave and this will allow him to maintain his dignity and respect for himself. Supporting an Individual to have good hygiene will also reduce the risk of infection and promote well being. We should ensure that the Individuals personal preferences are respected as well as their choice in how to support them. Personal hygiene can be of many aspects, washing, bathing, showering, denture care, oral hygiene, foot care, hair care, grooming, nail care, toilet care , continence needs, dressing and undressing, laundry and housekeeping. We should treat every Individual with dementia with respect like we would anybody else. We should provide a person centered approach towards their care, putting the Individual at the centre of care. Communication shows how we respect the Individuals and this will help maintain their dignity and respect. Privacy is also a key factor for an Individual with dementia; privacy must be respected at all times. We should respect privacy where people have personal relationships and sexual relationships. We should always ask permission and knock before we enter an Individuals personal space. We should get permission before accessing Individuals possessions and documents; we should provide space and privacy for Individuals private conversations. We should make sure the Individual receives their personal mail unopened, we should always pull the door too if the Individual is getting dressed or undressed and doesn’t require support. We must comply with the Human Rights Act 1998 as this gives the Individual the rights for respect, dignity, privacy and a private family life. Individuals with dementia should receive care and treatment in a dignified manner that does not embarrass them, humiliate them or expose them. Legislation states that the Individual with dementia are to be treated as equal to everybody else. If an Individual with dementia had a toilet accident or was having regular toilet accidents, I would support the Individual by assuring them that it is ok and that it doesn’t matter and that it can be cleaned up. I would encourage the Individual to go to the bathroom whilst still assuring them. I would close the bathroom door and support the Individual to take off their soiled clothing and prompt the Individual to maybe shower or have a bath or a wash whilst still ensuring them everything is ok, I would encourage the Individual to have a bath in privacy that’s if they didn’t need support with getting in the bath or shower, I would let them wash themselves in privacy and when they had finished I would knock on the door and ask if they were ok and support them to put clean fresh clothes on so they feel fresh and clean again. If the problem was ongoing I would report the problem to my manager as the Individual may need extra support and may need continence pads or pants, I would also discuss this with the Individual in a subtle way. I would work to policies and procedures and agreed ways of working and adhere to professional boundaries. 4. 2 SEE STANDARDS. 4. 3 SEE STANDARDS.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Marriage and Counseling Essay

Abstract The structural family therapist goes about helping the entire family instead of singling out the specific person with the issues. When families have good relationships with each other it is mainly when each family member has their specified role and fulfills that role to its entirety. This type of psychotherapy was created by a researcher name Salvador Minuchin, from New York. The primary strategy of this therapy is to develop a bond between the family members that are having problems within their family. The therapist’s goal in this theory is to develop a bond with every member of the family so he or she can figure what the problem is and how to solve it. The structural family theory also brings in a biblical perspective to psychology. This therapy will help shed a new light on how God planned families to be and what roles he wanted each of them to have. Introduction Every person in the world has a family. Some people may be closer to theirs than others but that does not negate the fact that they have a family. With that being said, each family has a different way of functioning. The majority of families raise children and they grow up to be fair adult citizens. Although the majority of families raise their children with no problems, there are still those that have their share of misconceptions. The  structural theory specializes in individuality. It examines each person of the family with their own characteristics and aspirations, while being apart of their entire family. The basic concept to structural therapy looks at rules of a family, roles of each individual, wholeness and organization. ( Goldenberg ; Goldenberg, 2013). A therapist analyzing this data thinks that a person can either function or not function. Functional families make changes and shifts as the members of the unit develop and go through different developmental stages (Becerr a., ; Michale., 2012). A dysfunctional family is not open to change and seeks to keep the members of the unit stuck in the way things always have been and does not foster growth within the individuals members of the family. (Becerra., ; Michale., 2012). Assumptions The relationship individuals have with their families is a source of mental stability for each individual. (Becerra., ; Michale., 2012). This theory thinks that when families talk to each other through speaking and non-verbal communication it is passed down through the generations of their family. Aside from those dysfunctions, structural therapist’s looks at the way families form family triangles, coalition, and family belief systems ( Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013). Structural theory believes that every member of the family have a different role to play as it related to the workings of their family. Healthy families are not families that have no conflict, rather healthy families are able to see the conflict and handle it in an appropriate manner (Harway., Kadin., Gottlieb., Nutt., & Celano,. 2012). Everyones family has their own element of growth and sometimes this causes problems within the family. While going through these growing pains it causes the family members to not be able to adapt to things without their dysfunctional family. Development of The Theory Research was conducted and clinical data was collected on different family systems to understand the patterns of psychosomatic families. Research was conducted at the Philadelphia Child Guidance Center, where Salvador Minuchin  was the director of the center (Goldenberg, & Goldenberg, 2013).A vast majority of these families came from normal homes with each of them having problems within their family. A psychosomatic family is when the child or children in the family develop severe psychosomatic problems as a result of their families dysfunction (Becerra., & Michale., 2012). While working with families that showed signs of a psychosomatic child, the goal was to change the structure of the relationship and develop boundaries, and to deal with underline conflict within the family system (Goldenberg, & Goldenberg, 2013). Salvador Minuchin and his regime of researchers worked diligently while studying this theory and this is now one of the most influential theories of conducting solutio ns to family conflicts. Counseling Technique The main priority of the therapist is to find the solution to the families and help them discover what the roles should be in each family. Structural family therapists address current problems within the family instead of past events (Harway., Kadin., Gottlieb., Nutt., & Celano., 2012). One of the main jobs of the therapist is to find new ways to hinder the present problems the family has and make sure that the problems do not reoccur. The families that do have a hard time solving their troubles need to have a major change in their roles as a family. There are many techniques that counselors employ while working to bring health to the family system. The main techniques are joining, boundary making, enactment, restructuring, and reframing (Hammond., & Nichols. 2008). Boundary in this therapy basically states that there needs to be separation in the family but at the same time it needs to be known that each member of the family knows they have special meaning and are cared for by everyone else in the family. Counselors look to change the hierarchical relationship between the husband/father and the rest of the family (Goldenberg, & Goldenberg, 2013). When referring to enactment, this is stating that a counselor cannot take one person’s side of the family favorably over the others. Counselors that take the side of one member over the other members will interfere with the creation of healthy family functioning (Goldenberg,  ; Goldenberg, 2013). When the therapist sees that there are problems happening within the family he will exemplify positive patterns which can help the family outside of the counseling aspect. This is one factor that will help the families problems not be pissed on from generation to generation. When the therapist reframe s with the family it means that they are coming up with new ways of viewing the problem. The old ways did not work or the therapist just wants to give them a new perspective of the problem, hoping that the new way would be successful. Christian View A Christian view refers to having a biblical foundation in your life and how they feel the presence of the Bible through their every day life and culture. Christians believe that every word in the bible is inspired by God. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 states that everything in the Bible is inspired by God, and profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instructions (Crabb., 1977). A Christian views marriage and family as one of the greatest things ever created by God. All Christians know that we were all created in Gods image as a reflection of God’s glory. Everyones family is set up in a different and unique way. God created the family concept for the husband and father to be the leader of his wife and his children. God created Eve for Adam with the assumption that they would meet each others needs and have children together. Ephesians 5:25 says that Adams main objective should be to love his wife the was Christ loves the church. This is how all men should treat their wives and if not, it can lead to serious dysfunctional relationships and families. The wives number one priority should be to submit to her husband and to care for the children. The children should respect and mind their parents as long as the parents are still in a steady walk with Jesus Christ (Ephesians 6:1). Many families stray away from these simple concepts and it also leads to havi ng a broken family. If families remain true to their Christian view of life and their culture within their family they can live happily and not be hindered by outside influences, also known as the Devil. My personal family theory is the same as structural family therapy. When the therapist focuses on each individual of the family it creates a better way to deal with the problems that Christian and non-Christian families have. Structural family model looks at creating balance within the concepts of family dynamic. Structural therapist looks at defining family rules, roles, coalition, subsystems, boundaries, and wholeness (Goldenberg, & Goldenberg, 2013). Dr. Crabb stated He looked at the life of Paul and stated that as believes we should do everything to please God and not man (Crabb, 1977). When Christians are involved in counseling they should make sure that all of the counseling sessions not only help their family but also reflects God in every single aspect. Compare/Contrast Structural Family Therapy has a lot of similarities as family directed therapy. Family-directed therapy is a younger model of structural therapy, but with different aspects to the theory that structural family therapy doesn’t look at (McLendon., McLendon., & Petr., 2005). Both of these types of therapies determine that the parents should care for the children, not the other way around. They also both show the families the positives in their system, the negatives, and what needs to be changed throughout their maturing process as a family. Family-directed therapy is more time limited and while working on goals that were set by members of the family (McLendon., McLendon., & Petr., 2005). In the structural therapy the family members do not set the goals for the members. The therapist sets them because he knows exactly where the weaknesses and the strong points of the family are. Conclusion Structural Therapy is a counseling model created by Salvador Minuchin and his crew of researchers. Much of the early research for the theory was done at an inner city to understand the how families functioned when high levels of poverty and single-mother lead homes where older child were more like a second parents in the family (Harway., Kadin., Gottlieb., Nutt., & Celano., 2012). The purpose for this theory is to aid families with providing them counseling and making their family functional in all ways. These counselors  find ways to establish roles within the family system and to establish boundaries between the family members. The goal of the therapist with a Christian view is to strengthen the marriage, parent/child relationship and to help each family understand their role in their family. Christian counselors rely on God to help guide them into bringing change within the family unit.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Gender, Culture and the Media Essay

Media, in the context required, is a term used to define an interactive transmission that is visualized and then especially designed to reach a large audience, for e. g. a whole nation. These audiences, however, are very different from one another, depending on their culture and gender identities. The variance in culture and sexual identities, have an obvious impact on media which is why there is a dire need for exploring the relationship between the two. The most important tool in exploring and understanding the relationship between media and culture is communication. This is because communication plays a very effective role in the manner through which interaction is carried out with the masses (Gaunlett, 2002). For this purpose, extreme emphasis is given to the cultural differences that may occur. Such is the case of international campaigns or chains of restaurants; whenever they want to promote any product, they have to consider the differences, and keeping these differences in mind, they alter their product accordingly for e. g. , McDonalds in India, do not usually serve their people beef burgers as cow is sacred to them. Likewise, Indian people can relate more to it than others who are just viewing this product on an Indian channel. On this note, I would like to add that it is also a TV channel’s responsibility to be aware of the ethics with regard to culture. Although, media is known to show us situation and relationships from other people’s point-of-view, the impact is originated from a certain culture or social class, for that matter. However, it has been changing from time to time with the global development. So, we can say that the relationship between media and gender today, is different from how it was years ago. The reason is because people’s thought have changed in the passing years, the role models have changed and the attitudes of people have changed, which without doubt influences media. It is for these contemporary audiences that the media has to alter whatever it promotes, in the manner that is much acceptable to them. The rest is mere perception on the audience’s part. Talking about the perception of various people and how they interact with things like talk shows, MTV, the Internet, soap operas, television sitcoms, dramatic series etc. , it is very likely to notice that the people interact with the media on the basis of their culture and gender identities (Dines, 2008). An example is that of Lorillard’s Newport cigarettes, introduced in 1957, which after its struggle period in the early stages of introduction, became very popular with the African American crowd. Another comment on the same example is that Newport cigarettes contain menthol, which is supposed to be associated with women mostly. Relating this with media, the advertisements for this brand also focused on African American people in the beginning, as they had identified them as their target market. With the change in society and changing views of people, Newport gained its market recognition and broadened their target market and today it owns a most coveted place in the tobacco industry. In the society that we live in today, people dedicate a lot of time to television, magazines, surfing the net, and other publications. As a result, it is very inevitable to say that they come across culture and advertising almost everyday. Among these people, a large segment belongs to the younger generation, who are particularly sensitive and relatively effected much easily by the same. Childhood culture is an inter-textual universe which connects TV programs to movies, videogames, toys, T-shirts, shoes, games, crayons, coloring books, bed linens and towels, pencil cases, lunch boxes etc. This is where the impact part comes into play, which media has on children and that which the children have on the media (Geertz, 1977). One of the greatest impacts of the above stated example on media is that when a television program (for kids) is produced, a lot of things have to be taken into consideration. Not too much violence, abusive language or false imagery should be used. As far as sexual identity is concerned, men and women have different views, likes and dislikes, regarding different things. Women are more likely to read magazines like Gourmet, Culinary Trends, Bon Appetite, Food and Wine etc. Lately, men have also developed a similar trend in reading magazines but there choices are those like Extreme Sports, Chicago Sports, and Sports Illustration etc. Another aspect is that of men leading the global scene. When it comes to voiceovers, men dominate, regardless of the product. Men continue to work in their late ages on screen whereas women tend to disappear in their late thirties. Facial lines and grey hair are considered to be signs of maturity in males, while the same would pronounce females ‘old’ and not fit for TV (Buikema, 2009). On the other hand, it is also reported to have said that with the developing sense of equality with regard to sexes, the Times magazine cover wondered if feminism was dead in June 1998. To sum up, the media shows us situations and relationships from other people’s point-of-view and we begin to think that we can now see ‘how the world works’, in lives other than our own. Soap-operas showing how neighbors, friends and lovers interact with each other are not behaviors that the media has created by itself. It is the likes of people that have affected media to follow the same. That too, varies from culture to culture. Some counties believe in open cultures while others observe closed culture where too much intimacy and involvement is not look upon as appropriate. People claim that the reference points for them are film and TV but actually it’s the way round- people, their cultures and genders influence upon the way they interact with the media. References: Buikema, R. , Tuin I. , (2008), â€Å"Doing Gender in Media, Art and Culture†. Routledge Dines G. , McMahon J. , (2008), â€Å"Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Text-reader†. Sage Publications Gauntlett D. , (2002), â€Å"Media, Gender, and Identity: An Introduction†. Routledge Geertz, C. (1977). The Interpretation of Cultures. Basic Books

Friday, September 13, 2019

Fundamental Perspectives and Techniques of Decision Making Dissertation

Fundamental Perspectives and Techniques of Decision Making - Dissertation Example In the contemporary uncertain business contexts, making a decision which has certainly long-term implications on business requires thorough understanding of all possible future situations and more importantly the managerial ability to balance both controllable and uncontrollable parameters (Bhushan and Rai, 2004, p. 3). Managerial decisions are key factors to influence a firm’s success and failure. Managers need to ensure that their firms are able to continually innovate and get accustomed with changing business environments so that it can maintain a reasonable stance and pace in competitive edge. If managers want their firms to survive in the dynamic and uncertain business conditions, they need to carry out effective decision making processes. ... Creative thinking aims at bringing newer ideas whereas problem solving is directed to find a solution, an answer or a conclusion (Adair, 2010, p. 1). An individual or organizational decision is the end result of much more dynamic processes and a series of activities labeled as ‘decision making’. McGrew, Wilson & Wilson (1982, p. 5) stated that the decision maker, in his decision making process, identifies the problem, clarifies particular goals that are desired, examines various possibilities for achieving the desired goal and finally completes the process by taking a definitive choice of action. Decision is therefore an answer to a specific question or some problems or a choice between two more courses of actions. Ahmad, Hasnain and Venkatesan (2012, p.21) described a five-stage process for decision making. It comprises of identifying all alternatives, valuing these different choices according to preferences and potential outcomes, assembling the information, choosing a mong the preferences and outcomes and finally selecting the most favourable and appropriate choice. Decision that has been taken after careful coordination of information, evaluation of potential outcomes and analyzing of various preferences based on advices, suggestions and help of people involved as members in a group-decision making has been found to be very effective in terms of its appropriateness and positive outcomes. Decision making is a cognitive process that involves logical reasoning and creative thinking about choosing a specific course of action that is supposed to bring the decision maker to a certain result. One of the key challenges in decision making is reducing or eliminating the uncertainty. A better way to avoid uncertainty is to collect relevant information before