Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Vaso-Occlusive Events In Sickle Cells Case Study - 746 Words

Vaso-occlusive events are moments of severe pain common in sickle cell patients; it is a result of the adhesion of cells to the endothelial lining. While leukocytes play a role in vaso-occlusive events, erythrocyte activity plays an even bigger role. It was discovered that the receptors on the erythrocytes and the endothelial cell were responsible for the mediation of the adhesion of erythrocytes to the endothelial lining (Stuart; Nagel, 2004). The adhesions of these cells to the cell wall is what leads to inflammatory disease, and certain types of acute chest syndrome. Vaso-occlusive events are common in sickle cell patients, but they are not the leading cause of death. Acute chest syndrome takes that spot. Acute chest syndrome is†¦show more content†¦Acute chest syndrome has been studied extensively in the past due to two reasons. First, it is the leading cause of death in patients with sickle cell disease. Secondly, there is not optimal treatment for acute chest syndrome. This is because there are so many factors that can cause it. Pulmonary fat embolism can cause acute chest syndrome, but so can viral infections, bacterial infections, and mixed infections (Vichinsky, 2000). While there are so many causes of acute chest syndrome, the most noticeable was pulmonary fat embolism, which account for 8.8% of all acute chest syndrome occurrences (Vichinsky, 2000). On table 4, you can see each disease that caused the onset of acute chest syndrome, and how many people it affected. To properly treat patients with sickle cell disease who are suffering from acute chest syndrome, multiple precautions must be taken into account. First, broad-spectrum antibiotics should be administered due to the high chance that it is caused by a bacterial infection. Secondly, airway hyperreactivity should be assumed and checked for even if wheezing or coughing is not present. Thirdly, if possible, patients who suffer from anemia should seek blood transfusions before the onset of respiratory distress. Lastly, if the patient sees no improvement, they may be treated with alternative drugs such as nitric oxide or hydroxyurea, but this is only in severe cases. As previously stated,Show MoreRelatedDo Teenagers With Sickle Cell Disease Experience True Pain? Essay2656 Words   |  11 PagesDO TEENAGERS WITH SICKLE CELL DISEASE EXPERIENCE TRUE PAIN OR ARE THEY SIMPLY DEPENDENT ON PAIN MEDICATIONS? Salve Aguilar West Coast University Pathophysiology Dr. Isabelle Tardif August 14, 2015 Do Teenagers with sickle cell disease experience true pain or are they simply dependent on pain medication? Situation: A case study about a 15 year old African male with sickle cell disease was rushed to emergency room by his mother due to complaint of unbearable pain all over his bodyRead MoreHesi Practice31088 Words   |  125 Pages(CNS) depressants. B. Avoid taking antianxiety agents at bedtime. C. Avoid taking antianxiety agents on an empty stomach. D. Avoid consuming aged cheese when taking antianxiety agents. 71. A preschool-age child with sickle cell anemia is admitted to the health care facility in vaso-occlusive crisis after developing a fever and joint pain. What is the nurse s highest priority when caring for this child? A. Providing fluids. B. Maintaining protective isolation. C. Applying cool compresses to affected

Friday, May 15, 2020

Spelling Review Exercises for Commonly Misspelled Words

Study  spelling rules and commonly misspelled words, then test your spelling skills by completing the following short exercises. In some cases, you will need to add a letter or two to complete the correct spelling of each word in parentheses. In other cases, the word in parentheses is correct as it stands. When youre done, compare your responses with the answers below. Group A: To E or Not to E? Some of the words in parentheses require the addition of the letter e; others are correct as they stand. Gus is (tru-ly) sorry for keeping you awake last night.We were criticized (sever-ly) by the sewing circle.The shed was (complet-ly) demolished.Merdine was (sincer-ly) grateful for the reprieve.The Simpsons are (argu-ing) again.They (argu-d) last night for hours.When is Mr. Wolfe (com-ing) home.Maya is (writ-ing) her autobiography.Mr. White is (judg-ing) the essay contest.Be (car-ful) when you light the furnace. Group B: IE or EI? Some of the words require the addition of ie; others require ei. Paint the (c--ling) before you paint the walls.Gus has been (rec--ving) threatening e-mails.A (w--rd) noise came out of the attic.I paid almost five dollars for that (p--ce) of pie.I dont (bel--ve) in coincidence.The guests brought (th--r) children to the wedding.(N--ther) of us can help you today.The (n--ghbors) complained about our parents.Linda (w--ghs) less than her collie.We waited for the (fr--ght) train to pass. Group C: I or Y? Some of the words require the addition of i; others require y. Have you (tr-ed) the dessert yet?The baby (cr-ed) throughout the church service.We compared two (theor-es) of evolution.Peggy felt (betra-ed) by her manager.You should be (stud-ing) for Fridays exam.(Lonel-ness) was never a problem for Henry.She (fl-es) on broken wings.I have always (rel-ed) on my friends.Please give Mr. Flannery my (apolog-es).It was a (pit-ful) sight. Group D: A, E, or I? Complete each word with the letter a, e, or i. I borrowed these flowers from the (cemet-ry).My parakeet eats huge (quant-ties) of bird seed.The tax cuts will (ben-fit) the wealthy.It was a (priv-lege) to meet you.He has a remarkably (unpleas-nt) disposition.We placed the puppies in (sep-rate) rooms.Henry is an (independ-nt) thinker.I found an (excell-nt) excuse to resign from the committee.She chose items from different (cat-gories).Professor Legree made another (irrelev-nt) remark. Group E: Single or Double? Some of these words require the doubling of a consonant; others are correct as they stand. The sun was (shin-ing) down like honey.The experiment was (control-ed) by a madman.The region is slowly (begin-ing) to recover.Doug (pour-ed) sugar over Yoddys oatmeal.She keeps (forget-ing) to call me.Gus (admit-ed) his mistake.They were (sweat-ing) in the classroom.That idea never (occur-ed) to me.The bunny went (hop-ing) down to the abattoir.His doctor (refer-ed) him to a dimple specialist. Group F: Letters Needed? Some of these words require the addition of one or more letters; others are correct as they stand. Marriage comes without a (g-arantee).Caley (su-prised) me.You are (prob-ly) going to be late.Does she (reali-e) that her socks dont match?(D-scribe) the man who hit you.We waited (until-) the mortician arrived.Merdine (recom-ended) a psychiatrist.Take two (asp-rin) and go to bed.She supports a strong (ath-letic) program.The (tem-rature) reached 109 degrees in Yuma. Group G: More Letters Needed? Some of these words require the addition of one or more letters; others are correct as they stand. She (a-quired) a good tan and a new boyfriend.Gus is (basic-ly) lazy.We must work together to improve the (envir-ment).I wish Hansel would just (dis-pear).Mr. Summers should attend to his (bus-ness).Alice Walker wrote an essay (sim-lar) to yours.The Red Sox have (fin-ly) won a ball game.I was (dis-appointed) by the cranberries in dill sauce.Doc Brown was working in his (lab-ratory).Baron Leibniz works for the (gover-ment). When youre done, compare your responses with the answers below. Answers Here are the answers to the Spelling Review Exercises, Groups A through G. ANSWERS—GROUP A1. truly; 2. severely; 3. completely; 4. sincerely; 5. arguing; 6. argued; 7. coming; 8. writing; 9. judging; 10. careful. ANSWERS—GROUP B1. ceiling; 2. receiving; 3. weird; 4. piece; 5. believe; 6. their; 7. Neither; 8. neighbors; 9. weighs; 10. freight ANSWERS—GROUP C1. tried; 2. cried; 3. theories; 4. betrayed; 5. studying; 6. Loneliness; 7. flies; 8.  relied; 9. apologies; 10. pitiful ANSWERS—GROUP D1. cemetery; 2. quantities; 3. benefit; 4. privilege; 5. unpleasant; 6. separate; 7. independent; 8. excellent; 9. categories; 10. irrelevant ANSWERS—GROUP E1. shining; 2. controlled; 3. beginning; 4. poured; 5. forgetting; 6. admitted; 7. sweating; 8. occurred; 9. hopping; 10. referred ANSWERS—GROUP F1. guarantee; 2. surprised; 3. probably; 4. realize; 5. Describe; 6. until; 7. recommended; 8. aspirin; 9. athletic; 10. temperature ANSWERS—GROUP G1. acquired; 2. basically; 3. environment; 4. disappear; 5. business; 6. similar; 7. finally; 8. disappointed; 9. laboratory; 10. government

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Capital Punishment The Death Penalty - 932 Words

Alexis Binch Ms. Stevens English 9 Honors 6th May 2016 Capital Punishment Tom Robinson is a Black, unfairly tried, innocent character being tried for Capital Punishment for falsely accused of raping a white girl in the book â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird.† (Lee, Harper.). This is clearly wrong. Governments should not concern itself with taking people s lives. Capital punishment is a legally authorised killing for a crime. In the modern United States capital punishment is only used for punishing murder. The 1930’s was the decade in which had the highest rate of capital punishment in American history. In that decade only two states made capital punishment illegal. Capital punishment is unjust because of the eighth amendment which wherein is†¦show more content†¦Putting a person into excruciating pain purposely would seem unusual and cruel. No matter what a person has done they should not be punished to such extent. The purpose of punishment is to show an example to prevent an action from happening. If the government itself is to inflict just as the person who is being punished inflicts then the government is at the same level or lower as the person being punished. This only creates an example of murder or destruction. On April 22nd, 1983 John Evans was executed and â€Å"After the first jolt of electricity, sparks and flames erupted†¦ to Evans s leg. The electrode burst from the strap holding it in place and caught on fire†¦ Two physicians entered the chamber and found a heartbeat†¦ and another jolt of electricity was applied. This resulted in more smoke and burning flesh. Again the doctors found a heartbeat†¦ a third jolt of electricity was applied. The execution took 14 minutes and left Evans s body charred and smoldering.† (Radelet, Michael L.) Often the health factors of the victim can add to the suffering. Electrocution can lead to singeing of hair or skin, which one could argue, is cruel and unusual. Capital Punishment should not be used because not everyone sentenced to it is guaranteed to be guilty and the finality of the punishment. Killing someone can not be reversed. One can’t reimburse someone for taking their life. If a person was proven

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Betrayal Of The Native Americans Essay Example For Students

Betrayal Of The Native Americans Essay Thanksgiving has lost most of its original meaning. Originally it was the day we celebrated the goodness that the Native American Indians shared with the original New Englanders the day they arrived. But now it has become just a stepping-stone for Christmas. It was not so long ago when my family would get together and plan what we would bring, whom we were to invite, and what types food we wanted to serve that day. We affectionately called this holiday the American Thanksgiving since my parents didnt think of themselves as Americans being immigrants from the Philippines, only used this time to bring the family closer together. This holiday has real meaning, they say, and thats why we celebrate it. It brought us closer together as a family. On those past days, we forgot all our misgivings toward one another and just had a good time telling stories and eating good food. The best part of our Thanksgiving gatherings was the food. The aroma of the sweet smelling apple pie hovering over my head brings me back to a time when this day meant more. I remember one Thanksgiving in particular, when my mother who cooked a masterfully prepared meal forgot one of the ingredients for her stuffing and wasnt able to get it because all the stores had been closed. The meaning of this day has changed. Now every store capitalizes on this holiday and brands it as the first shopping day of Christmas.The incarnation of this holiday is as transparent as the betrayal of the New Englanders towards the Native Americans who first settled here. Since the time of the first Thanksgiving many things have changed. The New Englanders formed a union of colonies now known as the United States and have taken over the land which the original Native Americans ruled just 200 years before. The Native Americans adhered to their customs and didnt believe that anyone had the right to claim ownership on any land. The United States Citizens arrogantly call themselves Americans but what does that really mean? If they were really Americans then they wouldve acted more like the original settlers rather than the evil step brother of the King who was too greedy to know when something was enough. That kind gesture which the Native Americans showed to us that day showed us their basic goodness of humanity. These days when longer weekends is seen as a kind gesture its hard to recognize whats good and what isnt. Thanksgiving has taken a backseat to Christmas. Just a few years ago the commercialization of Christmas was exploited when it was reported that Christmas was originally a pagan celebration. This exploit is just another slap in the face of the Native American who continues to passively sit still while enduring the transgressions of the United States. The Native Americans taught us how to share on that first Thanksgiving. Two Hundred years later we still havent given back.